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I’m Arian Haghighi a software engineer based in Iran. I was born in 2005 and started programming at the age of 15 and I’m now one of the co-founders of the Dot group, I learned programming by myself from the internet and reading books I took many online courses and got many experiences from working on different projects. when I’m coding it feels like I’m out of this world and it’s like a very good meditation for me, programming isn’t just my job it’s my lifestyle I think like a programmer, I work like a programmer and I do everything like a programmer. if you are looking for a person that is responsible and talented then you’re in the right place, if you want to collaborate with me please feel free to leave me a request in the contact section.
Arian Haghighi
Trillo is a template that is designed for a site that sales tours and hotels
Natours is a very optimized and modern template which is designed for a site that sales tours
I'm one of the dot group co-founders which is a team that develops and creates web applications
Nexter project is a template designed for a real estate site which is very modern and optimized
Arian Haghighi is a committed, creative and talented person. He does his best to move according to the world’s newest methods and technologies and provide creative solutions for problems. Working with him was a very good and enjoyable experience .